Are You Covered If Winter Weather Damages Your Home?

Friday, November 11, 2016

Are You Covered If Winter Weather Damages Your Home?

In addition to the health and safety dangers of sub-zero temperatures, blinding snowstorms and inconspicuous ice sheets, winter weather can also be incredibly dangerous to your home. Homeowners must consider a number of winter weather issues, including legal liabilities to watch out for and knowing whether your homeowners insurance policy has you covered.

Winter damage culprits
The two main causes of wintertime home damage are snow and ice. The weight of snow can collapse a roof or damage an automobile. And when snow inevitably melts, it can cause major flooding and problems with home septic systems.

The major problems with ice, from a homeowner’s legal perspective, include slip-and-falls Opens a New Window.  and frozen pipelines. Ice accumulating on trees can also cause damage if a tree branch falls Opens a New Window.  on your home — or even worse, your neighbor’s home.

What is generally covered

A homeowners insurance policy typically covers damage that results directly from winter weather events. Direct damage includes trees falling on homes Opens a New Window. , roof collapse due to snow accumulation, wind damage during a blizzard, displacement due to a major power outage, and frozen or burst pipes (subject to exception).

What is probably not covered: negligence
A curveball factor can affect the damage your insurance policy covers: homeowner negligence, which means neglecting the standard care that allows your home to withstand normal winter weather. This may include factors such as:

What is definitely not covered: flood damage

The big issue to watch out for is flooding Opens a New Window. , which is not covered by a homeowners insurance policy. A major snowstorm followed by a warm snap often results in overworked drainage systems and flooding. If you live in a climate where this is likely to happen, flood insurance is a must.

Also within this category is the damage that can occur when an overburdened septic system backs up into your home, causing raw sewage to flow from the drains. A flood insurance policy will likely cover this scenario, whereas a general homeowners policy will not.

Good neighbors

One common question involves damage occurring to a home caused by a tree or flooding from a neighbor’s property. In those cases, the insurance company will first look into whether the neighbor was negligent or otherwise blamable in the event. If there’s no evidence of negligence, the owner of the damaged structure is then responsible for repair to that structure, but their policy will cover the damage.

However, if the neighbor is found to be blamable in the event, the case may result in a civil lawsuit Opens a New Window.  if the parties can’t reach a workable solution. Consult with an attorney Opens a New Window.  if you find yourself at such an impasse.

Making a claim
Insurance companies advise making a claim as soon as practically possible following a major weather event. This will allow the adjuster the best opportunity to assess the damage and make a factually solid determination of whether the issue is covered under the policy.